Saturday, February 18, 2006

i've had an article published

nothing very glamourous, the article is an overview on basel II norms. further, its been published in an arcane banker journal called the "international money and exchange newsletter".

it's always nice to see one's name in print. also, its apparently some kind of a major deal, as far as the folks in the office are concerned. i've been getting a bit of mileage and goodwill as a result.


Anonymous said...

sally, why do you keep repeating your comments?

Anonymous said...

maybe you could have posted the article here so that some non-bankers could also read it? expecially since i can't think of a place which would stock copies of the magazine you mentioned.

Anonymous said...

Are there copyright reasons why you can't link to it/paste it here? The UofA library doesn't seem to have an electronic version of the journal.

Anonymous said...

no copyright issues whatsoever. but i do think it'll make for very boring reading.

Anonymous said...

is the article more boring than this tripe?